
New hybrid operating rooms open their doors

  • Two new HDZ NRW state-of-the-art operating rooms ready for patients
  • Dr. Karin Overlack: "Investment in safety and treatment quality"

In the space of just five weeks, the Herz- und Diabeteszentrum NRW (HDZ NRW), Bad Oeynhausen, has not only equipped a second hybrid OR and opened it for patients, but has also updated its first hybrid OR with the very latest equipment. Nearly €2 million have been invested by the University Hospital which, as one of the largest and most advanced centers of its kind in Germany, and including its Diabetes Center, cares for around 15,000 inpatients per year, around 4,000 of them undergoing major cardiac surgery, and around 9,000 undergoing cardiac catheter interventions.

The HDZ NRW now has a total of eight operating rooms at its disposal, all on one floor, plus one emergency OR in its cardiosurgical intensive care unit for acute interventions. The OR center was set up in the basement of the hospital with its first hybrid OR as part of a new building phase in 2012. At that time, the planners had the foresight to plan for a second hybrid OR, requiring floor space of over 70 m². This large room was initially used exclusively for cardiac surgery and now houses state-of-the art equipment to make it the second hi-tech hybrid OR at the HDZ NRW.

With these investments in its Heart Center equipment, the HDZ NRW has reacted to increasing demands for complex yet gentle combined cardiosurgical/cardiological procedures. In addition to a full array of conventional cardiosurgical equipment, the two hybrid operating rooms also contain floor-mounted CT angiography systems. Rotational angiography is facilitated by a robot arm.

"This pioneering, state-of-the-art medical equipment unites a classic operating room for surgery with imaging diagnostics and interventional cardiological procedures. For patients this means a high level of safety and treatment quality", HDZ CEO Dr. Karin Overlack explained. Close cooperation between the specialists at the HDZ NRW is not new, however, and is a practice which has been tried and tested over many years. Prof. Dr. Jan Gummert and Prof. Dr. Volker Rudolph described one example of collaboration between the cardiac surgeons and cardiologists as follows: "The cardiac teams in our TAVI Center perform many catheter-guided aortic valve implantations. This intervention is performed on the beating heart, the defective valve can be accessed by the catheter and the replacement valve thus implanted. This gentle TAVI procedure particularly benefits older patients. Overall, interventions in the hybrid OR usually shorten inpatient stays to just a few days." An equally close cooperation takes place in the HDZ NRW Pediatric Heart Center: Dr. Eugen Sandica and Prof. Dr. Stephan Schubert perform very complex surgeries in the hybrid OR in combination with cardiac catheter procedures.

Further information:

Herz- und Diabeteszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen
Universitätsklinik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Leitung: Anna Reiss
Georgstr. 11
32545 Bad Oeynhausen
Tel. 05731 97-1955
Fax 05731 97-2028

The heart specialists at the HDZ NRW have two new workplaces. Chief Physicians (from top to bottom) Prof. Dr. Jan Gummert (Cardiac Surgery), Prof. Dr. Volker Rudolph (General and Interventional Cardiology/Angiology), Prof. Dr. Philipp Sommer (Electrophysiology/Rhythmology), Dr. Eugen Sandica (Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Surgery for Congenital Heart Defects), and Prof. Dr. Stephan Schubert (Pediatric Cardiology) and their teams have two new hybrid operating rooms equipped with state-of-the-art technology at their disposal (photo: Marcel Mompour).

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Herz- und Diabeteszentrum NRW, Bad Oeynhausen Universitätsklinik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum


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